Crystal Liu 22nd Birthday 25 August

Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009

crystal liu birthday 25 August 2009
crystal liu birthday 25 August 2009

Happy Birthday to crystal Liu. Crystal Liu will be 22 years old, today on 25 August 2009. Hope she will be more successful and blessful in the future.

Your fans always will support you. Hope you the best.

生日快乐 劉亦菲 (Sheng Ri Kuai Le Liu Yi Fei).

Crystal Liu at Wedding Party Photos

Minggu, 02 Agustus 2009

Although Crystal Liu is a famous celebrity and rising star in China, she also just an ordinary girl who has a best friend. While her friend was going to marry, and celebrate in a wedding part, Crystal Liu was also invited into the party.

As a popular person in the party, Crystal Liu immediately got the lime light. Many fans were queqe to have some photos with the star.

Crystal Liu at friend wedding photos picture and photos :

crystal liu wedding photos

crystal liu wedding photos

crystal liu wedding photos

crystal liu wedding photos

crystal liu wedding photos

Crystal Liu Dating A Guy Photos

Who is Crystal Liu's boyfriend now ? A lot of men are gossiped to date with Crystal Liu such as Jimmy Lin. But Crystal Liu herself never stated directly whom she is really dated with. However, Crystal Liu had admitted that she has someone she likes.

A candid photos showed crystal Liu was being a date with one man, although the man face was not really clear. But Crystal was getting into the man's car. It seems that Crytal Liu really falls in love with the guy.

Crystal Liu dating with guy photos and pictures :
crystal liu dating photos

crystal liu dating photos

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